A random CEO changed my life

I used to struggle with self-doubt and a constant feeling of not being good enough. No matter how much I accomplished, I still felt like a fraud and feared that one day someone would discover that I wasn't as capable as they thought.

One day, I found myself at a career fair, surrounded by people who seemed to have it all together. As I spoke with a recruiter, I felt like I was stumbling over my words and making a fool of myself. The recruiter didn't seem impressed, and I could feel the self-doubt creeping in.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a woman approached me. She introduced herself as a CEO of a successful company and told me that she had overheard my conversation with the recruiter. She said that she could see the potential in me, and that I should never let anyone make me feel like I wasn't enough.

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. It was as if she could see right through me, and she was the first person in a long time who had believed in me. From that moment on, I started practicing self-acceptance. I reminded myself that it was okay to make mistakes and that I was worthy of love and respect.

It wasn't easy. There were still moments when I doubted myself and wondered if I would ever measure up. But every time those thoughts crept in, I remembered the woman who had believed in me. I knew that if she saw potential in me, then I must have had something special.

Over time, I started to notice a change. I felt more confident in my abilities and was able to take on new challenges with a sense of calm and resilience. I stopped feeling like I needed to prove myself to anyone else because I knew that I was enough just as I was.

Looking back, I realize that meeting that CEO was a turning point in my life. Her words gave me the courage to start practicing self-acceptance and to believe in myself. It wasn't a smooth journey, but the struggles made the triumphs all the more sweet.

    Richard L.